It’ll be just you and your group.
Decide on the most suitable guide and tour for you.
We offer a choice of independent guides with personality and enthusiasm as an alternative to the pre-arranged high-quantity, low-quality tours that cruise ship passengers are usually sold.
We connect you, the cruise ship passenger, with your own passionate private guide.
Choose the guide with the right mix of passion, energy, personality to fit your group of family/friends.
Once you’ve chosen your guide/tour, you can either enquire as to their availability or book it right away.
Once the tour is booked, you can relax. Your guide will meet you with a smile as you disembark the ship at Dublin Port.
Big group
30-50+ people
Small group
1-16 people
On a bus with stranger
Just you and your family
Standard itinerary
A one-size fits all itinerary
Custom itinerary
You discuss with the guide
where you’d like to go
Robotic tour guide
Talks at you, limited range of themes/topics/styles so you get bored
easily. No humour, passion, energy and enthusiasm
Enthusiastic tour guide
Talks to you, diverse range of themes/topics/styles so your energy and attention are always up. Lots of humour, passion, energy and enthusiasm
Forgettable experience
You may have enjoyed it, but it was
mediocre and definitely won’t be
the highlight of your trip
Memorable experience
The guide authentically connects
on a personal level. You’ll smile remembering the amazing day you had
Step 1: Read about our guides – their reviews and availability click here.
Step 2: Decide on the best one for you and your family/friends
Step 3: Either book the tour right away or contact the guide.
Step 4: Enjoy a wonderfully memorable tour.
Step 5: Leave review to help fellow travellers.
Need help? Here’s a quick guide to lead you through the process.
Book a private tour for you and friends/family! Choose your tour, contact your personal tour guide, and get collected straight from Dublin cruise terminal.
+ 353 86 30 444 33
Studio 9, 9 North Great George’s St., Dublin 1
© GPR Tours Ltd. 2021 – All rights reserved | Company registration number: 596311